Kabale University eLearning Support Portal
For inquiries: elearningsupport@kab.ac.ug

learning at Kabale University during the COVID-19 Lock-Down

learning at Kabale University during the COVID-19 Lock-Down

Due to the outbreak of covid-19 in Uganda and almost worldwide; all education institutions from primary to secondary were instructed to close and students go back to their homes. Kabale university and staff are some of those affected by this pandemic and government directives issued thereafter.

While the lock-down is underway, the question is how do the students continue to learn and cope during this lock-down? The lecturers and students a like have a role to play here; There is need to harness the power of digital technology like Mobile learning and other forma of learning since most of the university students have access to Smart Phones.

For those lecturers whose course material is already on the eLearning platform; they need to add a number of activities and short to keep the students stimulated to learn on their own pace while taking short quizzes to gauge the knowledge attained in a particular module.

Also other avenues like whats-App through student class groups can be exploited to reach out to a particular class and ensuring simple manageable tasks are given to students a small mark tagged so as to ensure compliance and participation by a big number of the students in the group.

More avenues like Google hangouts, google classroom and facebook live can be explored as a means to reach out to students and have a 30 minute class.

Picture of Robert Tumusiime

Robert Tumusiime

Robert Tumusiime is the senior e-learning officer at Kabale University. He holds a masters of Information technology degree and a BSc. Computer Science from Makerere University. He has been at the forefront of deploying high end Websites, Mobile - Web applications and eLearning systems in Uganda and the East African region for the last 14 years.
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