Kabale University eLearning Support Portal
For inquiries: elearningsupport@kab.ac.ug

Online Continuing Student eLearning Training

Online Continuing Student eLearning Training

There will be an online student training for all continuing students (non finalists) for all students at Kabale university. This training will be undertaken over Google Meet. Students are expected to join via Laptop or Phone using the link https://meet.google.com/fpn-hihe-ikn or those joining via the Google Meet app will need to enter the code fpn-hihe-ikn

All students are encouraged to attend to ensure they can fully utilize the potential of the tools that the university has employed to help the students learn throughout the period of the pandemic.

Happy Learning

Picture of Robert Tumusiime

Robert Tumusiime

Robert Tumusiime is the senior e-learning officer at Kabale University. He holds a masters of Information technology degree and a BSc. Computer Science from Makerere University. He has been at the forefront of deploying high end Websites, Mobile - Web applications and eLearning systems in Uganda and the East African region for the last 14 years.
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