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Question Types

Question Types

There are a range of question types you can choose from while using Kabvile. Below are explanations of the most commonly used question types. If you prefer to see all the other question types available Click Here.

Multi-Choice Questions: Moodle allows users to generate questions with single or multiple correct responses. The responses can include images, audio files or any other type of media and can each answer can hold a different weighting. Find out more

True or False Questions: These questions types are a simple form of multiple choice which allow for two answers, true or false. Here only the question content can include images or audio files. Find out more

Short Answer: This question types allows a response of one or a few words which is then compared against various model answers. The response can include images however if written is it recommended to keep the required answer as short as possible to avoid missing a correct answer that is worded differently. Find out more

Essay: This question type can be used where quizzes are replacing tests or exams or students are required to write in-depth answers. Responses can either be uploaded in a file format or written in Moodle. Note: these responses must be graded manually. Find out more 

Numerical: These questions allow for numerical responses and operates similarly to sort answers questions. Although numerical answers are allowed to have an accepted error. Find out more

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